Bericht: 18 months. masculin big and strong. exc coat and colar. exc head. g neck and topline. corr ribcage. abit long loin. corr ang and tail. doing in in front. corr forchest. movement sound with g head carriage.
Bericht: 22 months. abit smaller scull. corr muzzle. abit shorter neck. exc topline. long loin. corr ang and tail. exc coat and colar. paralell hawks in movement. doing in in front. some extra skin on the neck fors head to be carriage low in movement. the movement fin.
Bericht: 22 months. masculin and strong. exc coat and colar. nerrow hawks. exc head, neck and topline. corr ang. g ribcage. strong feet and pasterns. front movement. not finish. very gorgeus in stands.
Bericht: 7 years. very strong and elegant. beuatiful masculin head. eyes set to deep. exc neck, forchest and topline. exc body substans. very vell prop and balansed. very sound mover. exc shiny coat and pure black colar.
Bericht: 1 years. g size and prop. exc coat and colar. charming exc expr. nice head. g topline. compaxt body. corr ang and tail. strong bone and feet. paralell movement. slide doing in in front. in movement topline not perfecty levled. movement g. nice temp. g carriage of head in movement.
Bericht: 12 months. g size. femi expr. beautiful head. needs more show training. abit shorter neck. corr topline. compact body. g ang and tail. exc bones and feet. to mutch skin under neck. moves vell.
Bericht: 16 months. elegant. gorgeous in stands and movement. exc coat and colar. vell balansed. g topline. ribcage, tail and ang. front movement needs better drive. jolly caracter.
Bericht: 21 months. vell balansed. strong and femi. exc head and eyes. g bones and feet. exc coat and colar. exc body. substanse could be stronger, movement very not finish. lighness of body substanse.
Bericht: 22 months. exc size. strong and femi. corr coat and colar. exc head. strong neck and front. g topline. compact body. corr ang and tail. movement very sound. in front going in.
Bericht: 2 years. corr size. exc coat and colar. exc head, eyes and ears. exc neck and front. g topline and tail. corr ang. needs more training. soft feet and pasterns.
Bericht: 4 years. exc size. very strong and femi. beautiful head. some hanging skin on the neck. exc front and topline. very strong ribcage and loin. corr ang. going in in front. moves vell.
Bericht: 4 years. exc size. coat and colar. beautiful head. strong muzzle. loose skin under neck. corr forchest. topline settle. corr ang. very strong ribcage and loin. strong bone and feet. paralell movement.
Bericht: 5 years. exc size, expr and prop. very femi head. exc front and forchest. exc neck and topline. strong body. exc ang and tail. front movement could be more clean.